☸️ .NET Kubernetes Generator
A simple .NET library for generating Kubernetes resources.
- Generate native Kubernetes resources
- Generate Flux resources
- Generate K3d resources
- Generate Kustomize resources
🌐 .NET Kubernetes Provisioner
A description will be added soon…
🐳 .NET Container Engine Provisioner
A description will be added soon…
📄 .NET Template Engine
A simple .NET library for generating files from templates.
- Generate files from templates
- Supports Scriban templates
- Extensible
🔓 .NET Key Manager
A simple .NET library to manage asymmetric keys.
- Generate new key pairs
- Save key pairs to files
- Load key pairs from files
- Delete key pairs from file
- Supports Age keys locally
- Works with SOPS
🗝️ .NET Keys
A simple .NET library to provide intelligent models for assymetric keys.
- Age Key Model
- Serializable
- Deserializable
▶️ .NET CLI Runner
A simple .NET library to run CLI commands from .NET code.
- Run any CLI command
- Fail on error
- Capture output
⚗️ .NET Kind CLI
A description will be added soon…
🐶 .NET K9s CLI
A description will be added soon…
🔁 .NET Flux CLI
A description will be added soon…
🔎 .NET Kubeconform CLI
A description will be added soon…
A description will be added soon…
🔑 .NET Age CLI
A simple .NET library that embeds and provides an API for the age and age-keygen binaries.
- Generate new key pairs to memory
- Generate new key pairs to a file
③ .NET K3d CLI
A simple .NET library that embeds and provides an API for the K3d CLI.
- Create a new K3d cluster
- List all K3d clusters
- Stop a K3d cluster
- Start a K3d cluster
- Delete a K3d cluster
Ⓚ .NET Kustomize CLI
A description will be added soon…